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Market Tire is the choice in Saskatoon, SK for preventative maintenance and repair including replacing your car's belts and hoses. The hoses under the hood of your vehicle are like arteries, responsible for carrying life-sustaining fluids to the places which need it. Your vehicle also has belts with various functions such as timing belts, or chains, and serpentine belts. If your belts & hoses are not properly maintained, the threat of a breakdown becomes very real.
Belts degrade over time and can crack, swell, or burst. Hoses can glaze and split after years of use or when exposed to severe temperatures. A faulty hose can cause fluids to leak from your engine and may cause damage to engine components. To avoid breakdowns, be sure to have our trained professional at Market Tire inspect your belts and hoses to identify any warning signs or concerns.
Talk to your mechanic at Market Tire if you notice any:
It is suggested to have belts and hoses checked every 3,000 miles or with every oil change. A belt and hose examination from Market Tire checks for:
If you are in the Saskatoon, SK or surrounding area, call Market Tire today to arrange your next belt and hose replacement service or other auto repair service. Market Tire thanks our customers for making us your number one choice for auto repair service and provider of tires in Saskatoon, SK and surrounding areas .
Areas Served : Saskatoon, SK | Rosthern, SK | Nipawin, SK | and surrounding areas
Scheduling an appointment is quick and easy. Just answer a few questions and we will contact you within one business day with timing and next steps.
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