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ToYourRescue™ 24-Hour Roadside Assistance is yours at no additional charge when you repair your vehicle with us. The program begins on the date identified on your invoice and continues for 12 months from that date.
Benefits include reimbursement of two (2) claims per 12-month period for covered roadside assistance service, up to $100.00 per covered vehicle, anywhere in North America. For roadside assistance, call 1-800-426-0733 toll free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Services covered include:
The ToYourRescue™ Program covers emergencies and is not intended to be a substitute for proper vehicle maintenance or repair. The driver of the Covered Vehicle must be with the Covered Vehicle when the service provider arrives.
Kevlar® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
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